Comments on [Open] Staff pride adopts batch

owarinoseraph avatar frame
owarinoseraph Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Reply here to claim MC-257!

2024-06-07 14:22:42 (Edited 2024-06-07 14:27:29)

Eternlty avatar frame

May I take this kiddo? :> I will have to pay a bit late since I'm on vacation and my wifi is really spotty, but it shouldn't be later than Sunday! (Though if a sooner payment is preferred do let me know!)

2024-06-07 16:00:08

spectricks avatar frame

hey there, thanks for claiming!! no rush on the payment, i'll message you here right now with my paypal info, just let me know once you've sent the money! :-3c

2024-06-07 16:02:33

Eternlty avatar frame

Money should be sent! :>

2024-06-09 15:38:16

spectricks avatar frame

HELLO im so sorry this is a very late reply, i haven't had much time to check the site recently really, lots going on ;;; ill have the adopt sent over to you rn, im sorry again!!

2024-06-11 01:52:31