
Created: 1 June 2024, 15:15:27 EDT
Last updated: 2 June 2024, 12:18:52 EDT



didnt get verification email:
resend, and wait a few minutes. its not always instant! it may also be in your spam folder.


image upload button isnt there:
this is an issue that Only happens on mobile. the solution is to set your browser of choice to the setting "request desktop site"
follow up to ^; getting a whoops error after setting to desktop mode just hit back and reload! should be all working


changed pfp/SUBMISSION IMAGE but the image isnt changing:
you need to do a hard refresh to fix this. instructions below:
on desktop: hold CTRL and click the refresh/reload button in your browser
on mobile or ipad: turn your device on airplane mode, reload, turn off airplane mode, reload again changes should appear!


i keep getting logged out even when i hit remember me!
this isnt a permanent issue. every time i push new changes to the site for now it logs everyone out. this should no longer occur but i'll post an announcement if it does!
the images on the visual traitlist are squashed!!
this is a mobile only issue(does NOT happen on ipad)... the only way to fix it to my knowledge is to make your text size smaller but otherwise i dont think this is changeable.. i think its just because of screensize
i cant make my pfp a gif!!
upload a png/jpeg first and then replace it with the gif you want. it should display a 500 but your avatar will be changed!

the site should display a 500 error but if you hit back and reload it will be changed!

i can't make comments or replies!
this only happens on mobile as well - set your browser to desktop mode and reload!
I can't change the artist or designer in my myo draft!

if you resubmit the image while you're changing these details, it should work!