


Friend - traitlist art

embernettles - shop art

LavenderGroves , KCLASS , Mirandamations , enstars , SoxzTheWolf - item art

Mirandamations - logo

iza , KCLASS , embernettles - UI/UX Character Art


Beta testers


special thanks to my beta testers: Friend , gerard , Mirandamations , KCLASS , Emil , embernettles , enstars  , LavenderGroves , tom , SoxzTheWolfHiMERU , and Monarch !! i couldn't have done it without you!!



special thanks


special thanks to HiMERU and Digimon for helping me with website troubleshooting every time something broke. seraphoxes would not exist without your wisdom and i am eternally grateful. <3

Core Extensions

These extensions were coded by the Lorekeeper community, and are now a part of core Lorekeeper.

Installed Extensions

These extensions have been added to this site.