Wing Ears [SRPH] (DIVINE)
Ears replaced by flamed wings! (you don't need the flamed wings trait for these!)
Multi-Eye [SRPH] (DIVINE)
If the Seraphox has more than two eyes!
(The extra eyes can be anywhere on the body)
Multi-Eye [MC] (DIVINE)
If the Mantacat has more than two eyes!
(The extra eyes can be anywhere on the body)
Biblical Halo [SRPH] (DIVINE)
A halo that is always behind the head, resembling those often depicted in biblical artwork. Halos behind the head must always have at least one unbroken section that covers the entirety of the head, though floating parts may be added around the main part of the halo.
Ring Halo [SRPH] (DIVINE)
A halo that's actually an angel ring! (multi ring not required for this, does not replace the normal ring traits)
Shaped Wings [SRPH] (DIVINE)
For wings that don't fit any of the other traits!
Multiple Sets [SRPH] (DIVINE)
More than one set of wings! (modifier: you need other wing types/sizes specified!)
Fully Flame Wings [SRPH] (DIVINE)
Wings that are entirely made of flame! (modifier: must be included with another wing type/size trait)
Wing Tail [SRPH] (DIVINE)
A tail that is a flamed wing rather than a tail! (flamed wings trait not needed for this)
Exposed Bone [SRPH] (DIVINE)
Bones Exposed/Visible on your Seraphox!!
Body Containers [MC] (DIVINE)
A container as part of your Mantacat's body!
Body Containers [SRPH] (DIVINE)
A container as part of your Seraphox's body!
Shapeshifting [MC] (DIVINE)
Your Mantacat can shapeshift into another species ! *Both the main Mantacat form and the shapeshifted form must be displayed in the reference